I'uniẏana pariṣadēra sakala kājēra kēndrabindu halēna cēẏāramyāna. Tini pariṣadēra pradhāna nirbāhī,pariṣadēra yēkōna sid'dhānta nē'ōẏāra jan'ya cēẏāramyānēra anumōdana darakāra haẏa. Ēka kathāẏa paura,unnaẏana,rājasba,praśāsana saha i'uniẏanēra saba dharaṇēra kāja tadāraka karāra dāẏitba cēẏāramyānēra. Praśāsanika kāryakrama gaṇasanyōga kāryakrama rājasba ō bājēṭa saṅkrānta kāryakrama unnaẏanamūlaka kāryakrama bicāra biṣaẏaka kāryakrama an'yān'ya dāẏitba ō kartabya sacarācara jijñāsā praśāsanika kāryakrama i'uniẏana pariṣadēra kāja paricālanāra jan'ya saciba,grāma puliśa ēbaṁ an'yān'ya karmacārīdēra niẏē ēkaṭi aphisa āchē. Cēẏāramyāna aphisēra karmīdēra paricālanā karā,chuṭi ō bētana dē'ōẏā ēbaṁ tārā yathāyathabhābē kāja karachē kinā tā tadāraka karēna. I'uniẏana pariṣada cēẏāramyāna sabhā āhabāna ēbaṁ sabhāra ālōcanāra biṣaẏa ṭhika karēna. Tini sabhāra sabhāpatitba karēna. Sādhāraṇata i'uniẏana pariṣada aphisē sabhā karā haẏa. Kintu kōna kāranē tā sambhaba nā halē cēẏāramyāna sabhāra sthāna nirdhāraṇa karēna. Bibhinna samasyā samparkē sadasyadēra matāmata nē'ōẏāra para cēẏāramyāna samādhānēra upāẏa nirdēśa karēna. Grāma puliśa niẏōgēra jan'ya prārthī tālikā (sanśliṣṭa i'uniẏana pariṣadēra nāgarikadēra madhya thēkē) tairi ō upajēlā nirbāhī karmakartāra kāchē pāṭhānōra dāẏitba i'uniẏana pariṣada cēẏāramyānēra. Upajēlā nirbāhī karmakartā katr̥rka manōnīta prārthīdēra niẏōgēra byabasthā karēna cēẏāramyāna. I'uniẏana pariṣadēra bibhinna sṭyānḍiṁ kamiṭi ō sāba kamiṭira kāryakrama dēkhāśunā ō niẏantraṇa karēna cēẏāramyāna. I'uniẏana pariṣadēra ēbaṁ sarakārī karmacārīdēra dāẏitba pālanē sahayōgitā karēna i'uniẏana pariṣadēra cēẏāramyāna. Grāma puliśēra sahāẏatāẏa ēlākāra śānti-śr̥ṅkhalā rakṣā karēna. Bibhinna samaẏē ghōṣita sarakārī ā'ina ō sārkulāra anuyāẏī arpita an'yān'ya praśāsanika dāẏitba'ō pālana karēna cēẏāramyāna. Sabhāra kārya bibaraṇī sakala sadasyēra kāchē pauchānōra biṣaẏaṭi tadāraka karēna cēẏāramyāna. Gaṇasanyōga kāryakrama i'uniẏana pariṣada aphisa ēbaṁ sahajē dēkhā yāẏa ēmana an'ya kōna jāẏagāẏa cēẏāramyāna ‘‘ēka najarē i'uniẏana pariṣada’’ nāmē bōrḍa ṭānānōra byabasthā karēna. Ēthēkē janagaṇa i'uniẏana pariṣadēra gata kaẏēka bacharēra unnaẏana ō sēbāmūlaka kāja ēbaṁ bartamāna samaẏēra parikalpanāra byāpārē sahajē jānatē pārē. Cēẏāramyāna pariṣadēra bibhinna sid'dhānta janagaṇakē jānānōra jan'ya nōṭiśa bōrḍē nōṭiśa pradānēra byabasthā karēna. Cēẏāramyāna rēḍi'ō,ṭēlibhiśana ō sambāda patra śrabaṇa, darśana ēbaṁ paṛāra byabasthā karēna. Ēra mādhyamē janagaṇa sarakārēra bibhinna karmasūci samparkē sahajē jānatē pārē. Ēlākāra aparādha damana, śānti śr̥ṅkhalā rakṣā ēbaṁ dāṅgā-hāṅgāmā pratirōdha karāra jan'ya cēẏāramyāna thānāra bhāraprāpta karmakartāra nikaṭa thēkē sahayōgitā grahaṇa karēna. Kōna prākr̥tika duryōga, mahāmārī bā saṅkrāmaka rōga ēbaṁ phasalē pōkāra ākramaṇadēkhā dilē cēẏāramyāna urd'dhatana kartr̥pakṣakē biṣaẏaṭi jānāna. I'uniẏanē kr̥ṣi,māchacāṣa,paśu pālana ō banaja sampada unnaẏanēra jan'ya tini sthānīẏa karmakartādēra sāthē yōgāyōga rakṣā karē ēlākāra janasādhāraṇakē sahāẏatā karēna. Paribāra parikalpanā karmīdēra sahāẏatā karēna ēbaṁ ē biṣaẏē janasādhāraṇakē udbud'dha karēna. Sarakārēra bibhinna starēra karmakartādēra sāthē yōgāyōga rakṣā karēna. Rājasba ō bājēṭa saṅkrānta kāryakrama i'uniẏana pariṣadēra āẏēra nijasba uṯsēra madhyē āchē kara, rēṭa ēbaṁ phi. Ēra bā'irē pariṣada prati bachara sarakāra thēkē anudāna pāẏa. Cēẏāramyāna pariṣadēra sadasya ēbaṁ ēlākāra gaṇyamāṇya byaktidēra sāthē parāmarśa karē kara, rēṭa ō phi ityādi dhārya karēna. Rājasba ādāẏēra jan'ya cēẏāramyāna ādāẏakārī niẏōga ō tāra kājēra dēkhāśunā karēna. I'uniẏana pariṣadēra biśēṣa sabhāẏa cēẏāramyāna bājēṭa pēśa karēna. Sadasyadēra matāmata nē'ōẏāra para praẏōjanīẏa sanśōdhanī sāpēkṣē bājēṭa anumōdanēra jan'ya jēlā praśāsakēra nikaṭa pāṭhiẏē dēna. Unnaẏanamūlaka kāryakrama rāstā,khāla,sām̐kō tairi ō mērāmatēra jan'ya cēẏāramyāna sthānīẏa parikalpanā grahaṇa ō tā bāstabāẏana karēna. Pallīpūrta karmasūcī ēbaṁ kājēra binimaẏē khādya karmasūcīsaha an'yān'ya karmasūcīra mādhyamē khāla khanana,punaḥkhanana ēbaṁ bhauta abakāṭhāmō tairitē cēyāramyāna sahayōgitā karēna. Rāstāra pāśē bāti jbālānō, gācha lāgānō,ēlākā pariskāra paricchanna rākhā, pukura ō khālabilēra kacuripānā pariskāra ēbaṁ sarakārī jami ō sampatti rakṣā karāra byabasthā karēna cēẏāramyāna. Tini yātāẏāta byabasthāra unnaẏanē'ō bhūmikā rākhēna. Bicāra biṣaẏaka kāryābalī cēẏāramyāna grāma ādālatēra cēẏāramyāna hisēbē bibhinna māmalā mōkaddamā nispatti karēna. Cēẏāramyāna chōṭakhāṭa jhagaṛā-bibāda, dāṅgā-hāṅgāmā ō jamijamā saṅkrānta bibhinna biṣaẏa byaktigata udyōgē sāliśēra mādhyamē nispatti karēna. An'yān'ya dāẏitba ō kartabya cēẏaramyāna janma-mr̥tyu ēbaṁ mr̥ta byaktira pōṣya saṅkrānta uttarādhikāra, jātīẏatā ō cāritrika sanada patra pradāna karēna. Artha ō sansthāpana sthāẏī kamiṭira cēẏāramyāna hisēbē dāẏitba pālana karēna. I'uniẏanē karmarata bibhinna sansthāra kāja samparkē pariṣadē ālōcanā ēbaṁ praẏōjanabōdhē upajēlā nirbāhī aphisārēra nikaṭa supāriśa/ pratibēdana prēraṇa karēna. Rilipha sāmagrī bitaraṇa, cikiṯsāra jan'ya rōgīdēra sbāsthyakēndrē yā'ōẏāra parāmarśa pradāna, ban'yā ō mahāmārī niẏantraṇa,nārī ō śiśu niryātana pratirōdhēra byabasthā karēna. Khāsa jami banṭana ō bhūmihīna kr̥ṣaka cihnata karēna. Sacarācara jijñāsā praśna 1: I'uniẏana pariṣadēra pradhāna nirbāhī kē? Uttara: I'uniẏana pariṣadēra pradhāna nirbāhī cēẏāramyāna. Praśna 2: I'uniẏana pariṣada cēẏāramyānēra dāẏitba ki? Uttara: Paura,unnaẏana,rājasba,praśāsana saha i'uniẏana pariṣadēra sārbika kāryakrama tadāraka karēna cēẏāramyāna. Praśna 3:I'uniẏana pariṣadēra kāja samparkē jānānōra jan'ya cēẏāramyānēra dāẏitba ki? Uttara: I'uniẏana pariṣada aphisa ēbaṁ sahajē dēkhā yāẏa ēmana an'ya kōna jāẏagāẏa cēẏāramyāna ‘‘ēka najarē i'uniẏana pa
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The Chairman is the focus of all the work of the Union Council. He is the chief executive of the council, which requires the approval of the chairman to make any decision of the council. In a word, the chairman has the responsibility of overseeing all the works of the union including municipal, development, revenue and administration.
Administrative activities
Mass Communication Activities
Revenue and budgetary activities
Development activities
Judicial activities
Other Duties and Duties
Frequently Asked
Administrative activities
The union council has an office with secretaries, village police and other employees to handle the work. The chairman oversees the staffing of the office, leave and pay and whether they are functioning properly.
The chairman of the union council convenes the meeting and fixes the discussion on the meeting. He chaired the meeting. Meetings are usually held at the Union Council Office. But if that is not possible for some reason, the chairman determines the meeting place. After consulting the members on various issues, the chairman suggested ways to solve them.
It is the responsibility of the chairman of the union council to prepare the list of candidates for the appointment of village police (from the citizens of the concerned union council) and send it to the upazila executive officer. The chairman arranged the appointment of nominated candidates for the upazila executive officer.
The chairman oversees and controls the activities of various standing committees and sub-committees of the Union Parishad.
The Chairman of the Union Council assisted in the discharge of the duties of the Union Council and Government employees.
The village maintained the law and order in the area with the help of police.
The chairman also performed other administrative duties as per the official laws and circulars announced at different times.
The chairman oversees the task of reaching out to all members of the meeting.
Mass Communication Activities
The Chairman of the Union Council Office and any other place that is easily visible, the Chairman arranged to draw a board called "Union Council at a glance". From here, people can easily find out about the development and service work of the Union Parishad for the past few years and the present time plan.
The chairman arranges for the notice to be given to the notice board to inform the people of the various decisions of the council.
The chairman arranges for listening, viewing and reading of radio, television and newspapers. With this, people can easily know about various programs of the government.
The chairman sought cooperation from the acting officer of the police station to curb crime in the area, maintain peace order and prevent riots.
In the event of any natural disaster, pestilence or infectious disease and pest attack on the crop, the Chairman informed the authorities.
He helped the local people by liaising with local officials for development of agriculture, fisheries, livestock farming and forest resources in the union.
Assist the family planning staff and motivate the public in this regard.
Protects contact with officials of different levels of government.
Revenue and budgetary activities
The Union Council has its own source of income, taxes, rates and fees. In addition, the council receives grants from the government every year. The chairman prescribes taxes, rates and fees etc. in consultation with the members of the council and the people of the area.
In order to collect revenue, the chairman appoints the collector and oversees his work.
The Chairman presented the budget at a special meeting of the Union Council. After receiving the opinion of the members, the subject of necessary amendments was sent to the Deputy Commissioner for approval of the budget.
Development activities
The chairman adopted and implemented local plans for the construction and repair of roads, canals, sankholes.
The Chairman also assisted in the excavation, re-excavation and physical infrastructure of the canal through a variety of programs, including rural programs and food programs.
The chairman made arrangements for lighting lamps, planting trees, keeping the area clean, cleaning of ponds and canals, and protecting public land and property along the road. He also contributed to the development of the transport system.
Judicial Functions
The chairman, as the chairman of the village court, disposed of several cases.
The Chairman resolved various issues related to minor disputes, riots, riots and lands through private initiative.
Other Duties and Duties
The Chairman issues birth certificates, birth certificates, nationality and character of the deceased.
He served as chairman of the Standing Committee on Finance and Establishment.
Discusses the work of various organizations working in the union and sends recommendations / reports to the Upazila Executive Officer if necessary.
He distributes relief goods, advises patients to go to health centers for treatment, controls floods and epidemics, prevents women and children from being abused.
Khas identifies land distribution and landless farmers.
Frequently Asked
Question 4: Who is the CEO of the Union Council?
Answer: Chief Executive Chairman of the Union Council.
Question 2: What is the responsibility of the chairman of the union council?
Answer: The Chairman of the Union Council monitors the overall activities of the municipal, development, revenue and administration.
Question 1: What is the chairman's responsibility to inform the work of the Union Council?
Answer: The Chairman of the Union Council Office and any other place that is easily visible is “at a glance the Union