Mohanpur Upazila Muktijoddha Complex, Room-201, (2nd Floor), Mohanpur-6220, Rajshahi, Bangladesh.
Daily Sotter Sokal is an online news portal that aims to provide accurate and objective news and views for the audience across the country. With the slogan of We are the Pathfinders of Truth" the online news portal started its journey in 29 November 2020. Due to its bold journalism, rich content and presentation with unique layout and design, Daily Sotter Sokal has quickly won the hearts of people, even highly sophisticated and fanatical readers have increased their loyalty to it. Since then, Daily Sotter Sokal has illuminated every corner of Bangladesh, including 200 countries and regions around the world, through its digital offers.
Daily Sotter Sokal ;puts an extra emphasis on national news and news from every Upazila. However, it also covers different segments like politics, economics, war and peace, international, sports, entertainment, education, information and technology, features, job, religion, lifestyle, and columns.
This online is different and unique than other online news portals because it practices ‘multimedia’ journalism, which provides readers news of home and abroad along with audio, video, info graphic, and web story.
Planning and Implementation: Cabinet Division, A2I, BCC, DoICT and BASIS